Grandmother Someone Special Boxed Kneeded Angel

Product Description
Are you looking for that special piece to finish your home decor? Do you enjoy the serenity angels provide? Then you will love a beautiful piece from Pavilion Gifts' Kneeded Angel Collection. This collection of beautiful and unique angels is designed by Carol Graziano. The angels were originally crafted from bread dough and glue, now each elegant figurine is hand crafted so no tow are the same. Each angel features a tailor made recipe card that details the heartfelt emotion and passion poured into each angel. This Grandmother Someone Special Boxed Kneeded Angel is perfect for gift giving or adorning your home.A Grandmother from heaven that loves us through and through.
Your hugs are like Angel wings so soft and so warm
They serve to protect us and keep us from harm.
Your gentle touch and ways that wrap our hearts with love
It's how I know you must be an Angel from above.